Find tax credits and incentives all in one place.

Addressing the wide network of CPAs, Clients, and economic developers, TaxCredible acts as a suitable platform for business tax incentives and entrusts them to identify & provide varied services to handle business tax credits and incentives.
Many enterprises & individuals go through numerous financial complications when it comes to understanding the tax structure. Providers for experienced assistance are consistently there, but to bring them on the identical platform for a better exchange of information is problematic.

A platform was desired so that any user can get all the detailed info of all the tax credits and incentives in one place from financial experts (providers). The aim was to provide organized and secure information to the client from the experts via the channel manager.
Our development team crafted a platform through which any business & individual can get all the info on tax credits and incentives while filing tax returns through a trusted coterie of providers via channel managers.

You will meet the best of the providers on the platform for your tax queries. But to make this process more secure, the client will get permission to appoint a CPA on his own to keep a check on the whole process of document exchange within the platform. Additionally, anyone in the loop (Organization, CPA, Economic Developer) can invite any guest (a friend or a colleague) for any kind of health on the ongoing process.
Matters pertinent to finance are crucial so to keep things transparent, a chat feature has been incorporated. A client makes a group with Providers, CPAs, channel managers, and guest users and shares information with that group. This feature also supports one-one communication.

From the pool of hundreds of tax queries and multiple providers, you will always get the right provider for the selected tax query through the allocated channel manager.
Once an organization, its CPA, and the provider are allocated from the platform entered the loop. The platform allows you to invite any economic developer for the audit to grant an authoritative stamp to the tax proceedings.