5 Trends of IoT Services in 2019 You Should Watch For

The technology world has seen a lot of interventions in terms of new developments in this decade. The Internet of things (IoT) is certainly one of the prime developments among them.

But from some time, it has moved out from its hyped phase. Do you know why it has come out of the hyped phase? It is just because we have become very familiar with this technology and started to use this in our daily lives.

Now, it is pretty here in many devices we own. Our cars, TVs, watches, kitchen appliances, and other devices are connected with IoT and communicate with each other. Apart from our daily lives, IoT has already infused efficiency in industrial processes. Tools and machinery have become intelligent and connected with each other. Now they are generating data and becoming smart enough for predictive maintenance, which was meant to be a pipe dream for many years.

Anyways, going by the numbers projected by the industry experts, the world will see about 75 billion connected devices by 2025. To say the least, it is a fivefold increase in ten years and this will make the world a connected place.

Presenting you the five predictions about how this technology will go through a major turnaround this year, and how it will make the internet a bigger ecosystem.

Businesses will actually get serious about IoT solution adoption

According to research presented by Forrester, a leading market research company, businesses around the world will upgrade themselves to IoT adoption, with more than 85 percent of the company will implementing or planning IoT deployments in the year 2019. Do you know the reason why businesses are in a rush for IoT deployment? Actually, it enables them to communicate with their customers in real-time and provides them with a platform to solve queries in real-time. Some substantial developments we have in recent years include mannequins that can communicate with customers’ smartphones in retail stores and provide information about products on display.

But when it comes to IoT deployment, the manufacturing sector is the clear winner by a margin.

Now they have connected machines capable of reporting their efficiency to connected devices. They are even accessing predictive maintenance through IoT. However, the model of predictive maintenance is only possible with heavy investment. But the point here is that IoT solutions have made this possible.

Devices will become more connected and vocal

Because of IoT, every device we own and see is now capable of having a voice. Today, we are using our voice to control devices such as Amazon’s Alexa hub, or Apple Siri. Now it is time for devices to own their voice. The best working example here is that every car manufacturer is working on a virtual assistant to operate vehicles without a driver.

Voice control is literally making the human hands free from the task that needs manual input. IoT apps and services are also narrowing the communication barrier between humans and machines. Today, every forecast is indicating that the future of devices and gadgets is connected and more intuitive. These hands-free capabilities make daily tasks much easier and tempt people to embrace and integrate this technology into their cars, homes, and workplaces.

Artificial Intelligence will fasten IoT development and deployment

Artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT are interrelated technologies. The significance of IoT depends on the enormous amount of data it generates and its successful analysis. But when thousands of machines talk to each other in an industrial network and produce a large chunk of data, then it is beyond the capability of humans to analyze it. Here comes the role of AI comes into the frame. It trains the machine learning algorithms for the task of predictive analysis which provide early signs of an upcoming problem. AI also plays a significant part in keeping IoT systems secure through automated threat detection.

Introducing 5G

5G technology was in the hype in 2018, now again, it is one of the trending buzzwords in 2019. It is estimated that it operates up to 20 times faster than all existing mobile networks. IoT is heavily relying on the speed and availability of data services. When the mobile network gets faster and more stable than the network we are using in our homes and workplaces, the efficiency of IoT projects and connected devices increases unprecedentedly.

The idea of smart cities where the entire administration work is networked and all the data is analyzed for better city planning will become more viable.

More computing moving to the edge

We have got a decent speed in data analysis, but still, a huge amount of data collected by many devices has no value. Like a security camera that pass a large chunk of data to the central server, or cloud. But the data of some significance is only shows some suspicious activity.

So when devices are smart and intelligent enough to pass the real or relevant information in the networks. The networks will become less clogged and computing power can be more focused on important tasks. Like in the above example, security cameras integrated with image recognition could pass useful information to the network.

These trends are highly predicted to shape the future of IoT in industrial and domestic spaces.

Mobcoder, an application development company has been working in IoT spaces to make them more interactive and viable. Our IoT solutions have carved a niche in the technology market for their innovation and user-friendly interface.

Looking for some IoT development in your company, contact us, we may transform your vision into a full-fledged idea.