Why Flutter app development is the future of application development ?

Flutter is an open-source SDK platform developed and managed by Google. It enables the developers to create modern feature-rich Android and iOS apps. Launched on Github in August 2016, Flutter although new in the market hasn’t failed to impress the app developers.

Flutter is considered one of the best cross-browser platforms, giving stiff competition to the already established React Native. It offers some of the most promising features to the developers making it an all-time favorite.
Why Flutter?

Many even quote Flutter app development as the future. Given the popularity it has garnered over this short period of time, it would be interesting to explore the reasons behind it.

Easy as a pie

It will not be unfair to call Flutter easy to learn and master. Flutter, which is based on the Dart language does not require any expertise as a prerequisite and is very easy to quickly adapt. It is one of the main reasons for the developers being drawn to its simplicity and efficiency. With more lean, clear, and precise documentation, Flutter has managed to impress the developers to learn and use Dart.

High Performance

Flutter is power-packed with the performance which makes it very popular among the developers’ tribe. While performance has always been the point of concern for the hybrid framework, Flutter goes the extra mile to ensure optimal performance. Given the fact, that it is built on C++, C, Skia, and Dart, it does not need an interpreter to deliver a swift app that is always on the go.

A Plethora of Plugins to choose from

Flutter doesn’t fail to impress with its tons of plugins which makes the development easier. You can simply add the features without having the code written from scratch. This saves a lot of time and resources making the app development faster and more fun.

With all the widgets, tools, plugins, and packages that the Flutter offers, you can customize them as per the requirements. When you have so much to choose from, app development becomes easy and exciting.

Faster Development with Hot Reload

Flutter offers you a faster development courtesy of Hot Reload. This feature helps you to experiment with ease, making UIs, working on features, and resolving bugs in the code. Hot Reload allows you to witness the changes immediately on your device, once you add a new feature.

It injects the updated source code files into the  Dart Virtual Machine, rebuilding the widget tree, which makes it quick to see the changes.

Apart from Hot Reload, other features such as customizable widgets and short app development cycles also contribute to making Flutter faster.

Single code for Two platforms

Managing different codes for different platforms could be a tough job, given the fact that you need to maintain consistency. Well, that shall not be the case with Flutter, where you need to just write the code once, and you are good to go!
This saves a lot of time and resources that go into the development and testing of two separate codes. But, you need to test the end products on the different platforms separately in this case too.

Debugging is not a sore anymore

With the Dart Analyzer tool, you can easily debug your code by using flutter analysis, where finding possible mistakes become a lot easier. This tool uses type annotations that are present in the code for tracking the issues, making debugging less painful. Using Flutter enabled IDE/editor, comes as a plus point for debugging.

The way ahead

Although, Flutter offers the high-end features for developing a cross-platform application for your business, what matters, even more, is the diligence of the developers developing it. Choosing developers with expertise in Flutter and experience in various industries results in a great app for your business.

If you are looking forward to developing a highly-functional, beautiful cross-platform application with great UI for your business, then Mobcoder, a flutter app development company, is the right place to head. Our dedicated team offers you the app which doesn’t fail to impress the end-user with its high performance and amazing UI.

Have an idea? Looking forward to developing a high-end cross-platform application for your business, feel free to contact us. We would be obliged to offer you the best cross-platform app development solutions in Flutter.

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