Do you know what is the most interesting thing with the Flutter in app development? Well, if we explore the latest key developments, there are many factors that making Flutter an optimal platform for app development.
And the most important thing about Flutter in app development is that it empowers developers to do amazing things irrespective of their domain. Generally, Flutter is placed in regard to developing scalable and efficient cross-platform apps. But now, some creative minds are using it for demonstrating scientific concepts of physics. Isn’t it amazing?
Now, most of the developers keep Flutter in high regard and named it the future of mobile app development.

Why do developers feel this way
1. A Single codebase for any platform application
As we all know, Flutter is a single codebase platform. Any application developed on Flutter is supported in both the platforms, iOS, and Platforms. This saves much time for developers in launching their products into the market. Developers have to code once only, and the app will run with equal scalability on the platforms.
2. Debugging Apps with Hot reload
Hot reload is one of the most significant features of the flutter. It simply means any changes in the source code will reflect instantly in the running application and developers don’t have to compile the source code again and again. It also saves a considerable amount of time for developers.
3. Complete Customizable widgets
If you have an average familiarity with the development world lexicon, you must be aware that Flutter in app development contains a comprehensive list of widgets for designing UI interfaces. These widgets are actually easily customizable and can be reused for the further development course.
If you talk about the sets of widgets, there are two types: Material Design and Cupertino. On one hand, the Material design implements Google’s design. While on the other hand, Cupertino Apple’s iOs Human interface guidelines.
This allows developers to use a lot of creative options for developers to develop creative apps with sleek looks.
4. Suitable for Cross-platform Application Development
When we talk about cross-platform application, it is a type of software application that can be deployed on multiple platforms and devices with equal efficiency and scalable experience.
And since the induction of Flutter in the development market, it has been emerged as a popular tool to develop cross-platform applications. It simply implies that once the code gets developed into a full-fledged app, it can be deployed on any platform included iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.
5. Testing is much easier
As all the applications developed on Flutter are based on a single codebase, the QA team finds it easier to test it without devoting extra effort.
They can test the app based on functionality, user interface, scalability on a single platform without handling all these concerns for the multiple platforms.
6. Faster app development
As we have mentioned that single code base is the most significant advantage that comes with Flutter. Added into this feature, the hot reload feature also empowers developers to build an app in a short span.
With Flutter, entrepreneurs who are trying to develop a minimal viable product for their business can develop a working prototype to show to the investors or client and reduce time-to-market.
7. Less cost of development
Presently, in the mobile app development market, the total cost of a native mobile apps looms around 30,000 USD. So to build an app for multiple platforms is quite costly.
It allows entrepreneurs to invest this capital in marketing, sales, and team building. Flutter literally reduces the cost of development as one only has to pay for one source code. And that source code is compatible with other platforms as well.
8. Best for MVP
The minimum viable product (MVP) is the product requiring minimum functionality and features to understand the requirement of the niche audiences and tweak the project to meet their requirements. Another purpose of the MVP is to expresses core business ideas and provide a look and feel of the final product before its development.
MVP is always a preferred option when you want to get your business faster into the market or to show investors what is your product gonna be.
Flutter is a perfect option when developing a minimum viable product for your business as it allows fast development with an engaging UI design layout.
9. Integration with Firebase
Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform. It empowers developers to enhance user experience through analytics, messaging, and crash reporting for focusing users. One thing that needs to be mentioned is that it is easily integrated into the Flutter platform.
10. Wide range of open source packages
Amazingly, Flutter comes with many free open sources packages that enable faster development time. Some notable packages are Loading Animations, Youtube_player, Frideos_flutter, Flutter Ecommerce, etc. As it carries a big open-source platform, developer across the world add their inputs to the library.
11. 2Dimensions Flare
As 2Dimensions Flare comes with Flutter, animations are very easy to create and integrate. Talking about Flutterm it is a vector-based animation tool used for UI design and gaming apps. One can create engaging animations with ease.
12. Flutter supported in multiple IDE environments
Flutter has got the support of many IEDs. With these IEDs, developers can develop the Flutter app in Android Studio, VS Code, and IntelliJ. VS Code is known for its high performance.
13. Support from the Flutter community
With the passage of time, the Flutter community is increasing day by day, and more developers are sharing their ideas and innovation on the forum.
You can witness developers’ contributions to the Flutter library. Still, if you have any doubts or queries, you can share your queries on social media, or submit them in forums.
It’s high time to adopt Flutter in app development
There are myriad reasons why developers strongly advocate that Flutter in app development and hold it as the future for cross-platform app development. There are many attributes of the platform that represent the exciting time we’re living in and we’re excited to see how Flutter develops over the coming years as it is adopted by more and more developers.