When we think of devices as disparate as refrigerators, window shades, cars, and watches; we sense not only the underlying gulf of disparity in their cost and functions but also the sheer difference in the fundamental nature of these objects. Not so long ago, it would have seemed obvious that all these things were as different as chalk and cheese.
However, for all their apparent differences, one thing stands out in common – their undeniable importance in day-to-day life. In this age of ubiquitoåus computing, IoT has helped these devices communicate with each other using the Internet as a backbone to create a holistic support environment for our every need.
Though there are many definitions of what constitutes the Internet of Things or IoT, it can be envisaged as a suite of devices and technologies that collects and generates information and uses the internet as a backbone to connect to other such devices and locations for sharing and processing such data. This enables a range of informed actions also termed “smart” actions, ranging from booking hotels to running complicated assembly lines.
How does it work?
The Internet of Things tends to impart value to our lives by collecting and utilizing information from diverse sources. However, this information is used not only for performing the action currently requested but also to modify the way in which similar actions will be undertaken in the future. This leads to information being processed in a cyclical way, also known as the Information Value Cycle, which allows information to be leveraged in a non-linear way and ensures a learning curve helping the system to “grow” and get better at what it does.

Source: deloitte.com/insights
How is IoT changing lives?
IoT has encompassed every sphere of human life and society from healthcare to manufacturing; from smart cities to agriculture. Here are some of the ways in which IoT is changing lives:
Homes and Offices
We have already experienced the level of convenience offered by smart fridges, which show not only the type and quantity of items present but can also help replenish stocks if need be. IoT has developed a plethora of other systems which range from pet tracking to bespoke energy-efficient solutions for homes and offices.
IoT systems have also contributed to internal climate control even for large workspaces such as massive humidifiers replete with water features that pump moist air into offices in the dry Canadian air.
With predictions estimating that over two-thirds of the world’s population will be urban dwellers by 2050, IoT has facilitated the growth of smart cities in a variety of ways. From smart traffic signals which operate based on real-time traffic movement to apps that let people know when parking lots are available. IoT has facilitated the creation of an efficient mechanism to tackle day-to-day urban problems.
Even the manufacturing industry has benefited from IoT, with major companies like Harley-Davidson, using advanced sensor-based technology to identify bottlenecks and allow operators to centrally control the entire assembly line. IoT has led to increased efficiency and has increased production capabilities manifold.
The major risk involved with vehicles is the risk of accidents, especially when dealing with the heavy-duty vehicles segment. Long hours, treacherous roads, and even the weather can lead to human errors leading to tragic accidents.
In order to combat this problem companies like Tesla have devised highly accurate sensor-guided robotic vehicles, especially trucks. Acting on a wide variety of sensory data and processed information stand to pave the way for an accident-free transportation system.
The ubiquitous Fitbit apart, several companies have devised highly sophisticated IoT systems, like Philips Pill Box which pops open with the right medication at the right time, and a variety of sensor-intensive healthcare systems which not only monitor patients in the hospital but also help initiate emergency procedures depending on the situation.
IoT can help revolutionize energy consumption by creating a smart grid connecting not only power stations and transmission facilities, but also micromanaging devices like meters, thermostats, and other appliances to consume power optimally based on need and to store power at off-peak times if need be to lower costs. IoT also helps maintain transmission networks by predicting failures and identifying blockers allowing for seamless power transmission.
The Way Ahead
Although IoT is a powerful tool helping revolutionize our lives, it is of utmost importance the people who develop such applications have the right blend of domain knowledge and technical expertise. Choosing developers with proven expertise in IoT can help you craft bespoke solutions to suit your business needs.
If you are looking forward to developing a robust and customized IoT solution that gives you greater control over the devices essential to your daily life, then Mobcoder is the right place to head. Our dedicated team offers you the app which allows for a truly personalized experience and revolutionizes your home and business.
Have an idea? Looking forward to developing a high-end cross-platform application for your business, feel free to contact us. We would be obliged to offer you the best IoT applications to give you control over the way you want to live your life.