Latest WordPress Updates July 2021



Benjamin Fisher

If you are a WordPress enthusiast, then you must be excited about the new features in every WordPress release. Today, we are going to discuss new WordPress updates. As the new version is released every year with new features, tweaks, and improvements for the users.

Now the latest version WordPress 5.6 Simone is out. This new version is considered as one of the biggest updates of WordPress in many terms. It has added features, improvements, and many actions to make your idea actionable.

So if you are looking to harness all the added advantages of this new feature, then you have to go for a professional WordPress development company.

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Have a look at some top features of WordPress 5.6


The latest release comes with part 2 of the jQuery WordPress updates in three patches. It offers a large upgrade to the jQuery library. It is highly recommended to run the update test plugin to check for all the errors to ensure a smooth run for the website

WordPressAutomatic Updates

The last version 5.5 made the process of automatic updates very easy, but only for some particular WordPress plugin updates. But with WordPress updates 5.6, now allows automatic updates for multiple WordPress releases. Just follow the procedure like Open Dashboard » Updates page inside WordPress admin area and click on the button of ‘’Enable automatic Updates for new WordPress link.

PHP Support

Many contributing developers have made some huge efforts to make this 5.6 version compatible with PHP 8. This is the first step towards Core PHP support for the latest version. Multiple WordPress services, products, and sites now can support the latest PHP version. Every new version of the PHP release enhances performance, adds new features, and removes all the bugs.

The contributing team of WordPress Automatic Plugin updates has now fixed all the compatibility issues with PHP 8. This thing ensures seamless performance for the users who upgrade to the latest PHP version.

REST API authentication with Application Passwords

The Rest API allows developers to handle websites outside WordPress. And with the new feature of the Applications Password authorization feature, now third-party apps can connect to your site in a very secure manner under WordPress Security updates.

The REST API empowers developers to control the apps and use application passwords in WordPress. Users can also give access to the website and manage users from the profile page. One can change the app access anytime.

Make way for Twenty Twenty-One!

Twenty Twenty-One is a default theme for WordPress updates with some new patterns. You can try multiple layouts to create impressive designs. Comes with the accessibility, the theme conforms to WordPress accessibility-ready guidelines and standards associated with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at level AAA.

Soft pastels

All the selected color palettes in pastel strictly follow AAA standards for contrast with the opinion to select from multiple colors for background and the theme chooses accessibility-conscious text colors.

Site Health Check Improvements

Among many WordPress updates, 5.6 ensures the smooth functioning of the website. Multiple features in version 5.6 provide many ways to improve and ensure the health of the website. Improvements are not visible on the frontend, there are many tools in this version to check the functioning of the website.

Major Gutenberg Block Editor Updates in WordPress updates 5.6

This version comes with many significant updates to the WordPress block editor putting multiple versions of the Gutenberg plugin directly into WordPress Core. It fixes bugs and improves performance to another level and introduces many changes in patterns, the user interface, and functions.

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Blocks, Patterns, and UI Improvement

Updated block features, enhancements, and bug fixes to deliver an impeccable editing experience on the website.

Block API V2

Block API version to render wrapper elements and lighten the editor’s DOM.

Block Supports API

It allows developers to add many significant features to their blocks, like Colors, backgrounds, multiple font sizes through the Block Supports API.

This version of WordPress 5.6 has introduced new block supports to increase performance and make it easier to introduce options into blocks.

A Road to the Conclusion

Are you looking to upgrade to WordPress updates 5.6 for a new website? So it is quintessential to hire a professional WordPress developer with skills and expertise to transform your idea into a vision.


  • Are block-based widest ready to land in WordPress 5.6?

At the time of launching, as per the WordPress contributing developers, Yes, the block-based widget system will be ready when WordPress 5.6 lands with a full upgrade. And as of now, the block-based widget is ready to work with WordPress 5.6.

  • Which version of WordPress will be fully compatible with PHP 8?

Before the release, the WordPress developer community declared that they will introduce compatibility with PHP 8.0 in the 5.6 version. However, developers had some uncertainty on this issue, so they declared that WordPress 5.6 is a bet-compatible with PHP 8.

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